School Organisation
Year Group |
Age of Children |
Number of classes |
Reception |
4 and 5 |
2 classes |
Key Stage 1 |
Year 1 |
5 and 6 |
2 classes |
Year 2 |
6 and 7 |
2 classes |
Key Stage 2 |
Year 3 |
7 and 8 |
2 classes |
Year 4 |
8 and 9 |
2 classes |
Year 5 |
9 and 10 |
2 classes |
Year 6 |
10 and 11 |
2 classes |
Class sizes vary from year to year, according to the number of children on the school roll. The school has a statutory responsibility not to exceed 30 pupils in any foundation or key stage 1 class.
Teaching Group Arrangements
The children are grouped in mixed ability classes taught by a class teacher. These classes are arranged by age. The school has fourteen classes with two classes in each year group.
In order to support children’s learning and provide work at an appropriate level some subjects may be taught in ability based sets. This is most commonly done in mathematics at key stage 2. Children’s progress is monitored closely by their class teacher and they may be moved between sets during the year if their learning needs indicate this to be appropriate. On other occasions the children will work in both ability based groups and mixed ability groups within their classroom depending upon the nature of the activity and learning involved.