Year 6
In Year 6, French is taught by a specialist French teacher for half an hour a week. The main theme throughout the year is Visiting France, which enables the pupils to get by (at a basic level) when in France on holiday. If they were to try to order an ice-cream, order in a café or maybe even visit a French school, Year 6 gives them the vocabulary to do this.
By Year 6, the children are speaking with increasing confidence and fluency. In addition, there is more of a focus on grammatical structures that make their language production more complex.
Focus topics: Places around school; Role play writing (using voici, il y a and notre école a); School subjects; giving opinions and reasons for; shops around town; il y a and il n’y a pas; Numbers 0 – 100; French food and menus; ordering ice cream; café vocabulary; telling the time.
Grammar focus: Bilingual dictionary skills; Articles – masculine/feminine/plural; subordinating conjunctions; negating the verb; More prepositions; Verbs – to be and to have (Être and avoir).
Intercultural understanding: Comparison of English and French schools; Christmas in France; La Chandeleur (Pancake Day); Easter in France; Bastille Day; Euros and French shops.