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Racecourse Lane, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 5BJ • • 01743 351948

Oxon CE Primary School


We believe a sound grasp of computing is essential in modern society.  At Oxon, computing is taught as a discrete subject and is also used to enhance teaching and learning in other curriculum areas.

The school is fortunate to be extremely well resourced with regard to modern technologies and computing.  We have a purpose built ICT suite containing thirty two networked workstations and a digital projector.  All classes are equipped with interactive display panels.  The school also has over seventy wireless enabled laptop computers and over one hundred iPads that are used to support learning across the curriculum.  All computers are connected to the school intranet and have access to the internet and email.  All pupils work in the ICT suite for at least one session per week and other technology resources are used on a daily basis.